Thursday, August 30, 2007

Along came a spider...

So with multiple openings all around a house during renovation, it isn't surprising that from time to time one will find a 'visitor' crawling along here or there. Upon removing the drywall from my back bedroom's ceiling, I found the remains of a nest, probably, judging by the size, of a squirrel. Fortunately, I've not had visitors of this size yet, but I did have a smaller, albeit more frightening visitor the other day. A grass spider (note that I'm providing a link to a picture of this type of spider, as I know that there are those among us that really aren't fond of them and would rather not see them unwittingly). Having run an exhaustive search on the internet though I was happy to discover that it was just this, and not a more dangerous and venomous brown recluse (which several sites confirmed do not live in the DC area). I was able to catch the big guy in a cup and release him. Hey, I'm generally of the mind set that spiders are good creatures. I just prefer them outdoors! ;)

1 comment:

JackD said...

I discovered one of these lurking in my kitchen this past weekend. He (or she) was not as lucky as your visitor; he is now is that great spider web in the sky.